- Representation of the traditional art of Aboriginal people of Canada practiced mainly by women, as well as intergenerational transmission.
- Learning the traditional weaving and embroidery methods practiced by Aboriginal women.
- Improve knowledge of Aboriginal culture, transmit know-how.
- Initiate discussions about missing, murdered or forgotten Aboriginal women, their friends, their families (awareness, conscientization).
- CAC project: artistic performance sharing all types of embroidery to be handed over to the archives of the National Inquiry into Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women (mobilization, action).
Note to the facilitator.
This activity may engage discussions about today's realities regarding the country’s Aboriginal women, intergenerational transmission, openness to other cultures, etc. Furthermore, discussions can be initiated regarding the disappearances of the women named in the list of first names, as well as their story.
At the end of this activity, the facilitator should observe the following with regards to the participants:
- The acquisition of new embroidery skills;
- New knowledge about missing and murdered Aboriginal women or girls;
- Increased compassion for the issue of missing and murdered Aboriginal women or girls.

Target Audience
Youth (embroidery on jute)
Adult (embroidery on fabric or felt)

About 1 h 30

Jute, plastic needles, wool, pearls.
Various fabrics, embroidery thread and sewing kit, beads, hoops, embroidery canvas.
Scissors, list of missing or forgotten women.
Various fabrics, embroidery thread and sewing kit, beads, hoops, embroidery canvas.
Scissors, list of missing or forgotten women.

Examples of settings
Classroom, group meeting, women’s centres.

Steps and Procedure
Present the videos on traditional Aboriginal craftsmanship in embroidery.
Circulate the photograph of the artwork : Shawl of Kukum of Diane Blacksmith and Freestanding Sculpture - clothing of Sylvie Bernard.You can also read the story of Loretta (you can find it in the complementary activities section).
Present a list of some of the missing and murdered Aboriginal women to the participants (you can find it in the Complementary Activities section).4
Afterwards, ask each one to choose a first name and to sew it on the fabric, felt or jute. Depending on their experience or the canvas chosen, participants can reproduce a type of embroidery stitch or pattern, or simply create a commemorative embroidery.5
At the end of the activity, present the following video on gender relations: AKIENDA LAINÉ (filmmaker) Missing Women, 2017 Produced by La Boîte Rouge VIF Video of 9 min 36 s Vox pop about gender relations and the issue of missing and murdered Aboriginal women and girls.I learned from one of my aunts, at 15 years old. After that, I raised my brothers and sisters, my parents passed away very young, I made crafts to provide for our needs and today, I still make a living from it. I received a beautiful legacy.
Everywhere we went, women were always sitting at tables; they were embroidering and beading. Indian crafts (snowshoes, gloves, mittens, slippers) are important because it is our manual culture that represents our nation.